Draft Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan 2023 - 2028
Archived: The exhibition period has now closed, so you can no longer make a submission.
The draft EDAP will be presented to Council at its ordinary meeting on 19 December 2023 to consider for adoption.
Tourism is an important industry for the Eurobodalla Shire. It’s worth nearly half a billion dollars to the local economy, and directly employees around 1,500 people.
The draft Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan 2023 - 2028 (draft EDAP) is about setting the direction and priorities to sustainably grow the visitor economy of the Eurobodalla local government area (LGA) to 2028 and beyond.
We placed the draft EDAP on public exhibition from 4 October until 31 October 2023 and asked community members to read the draft and provide their feedback.
The draft EDAP provides a practical and prioritised action plan that supports regional promotion, visitation and prosperity, while addressing barriers and challenges faced by the region. Importantly, it is a plan for the whole region. It aims to foster a vibrant visitor economy which will deliver tangible benefits to businesses and the community.
The draft EDAP builds on the extensive work completed since the previous EDAP 2018 - 2021. This work includes:
- a range of place and masterplans
- ongoing implementation of significant infrastructure investment across the LGA such as the Mogo Mountain Bike Trails
- delivery of an increasingly popular events program and marketing activities to raise awareness of, and preference for, the Eurobodalla in primary source markets.
A key goal of the draft EDAP is to grow visitor value, not visitor volume. The focus of the plan is not about trying to attract more visitors - it’s about identifying those market segments with the greatest propensity to spend more and visit the destination, year-round.