Key dates
Phase 1: Information exchange
"Where are we now?" Phase one was about gathering information and sharing ideas. We conducted surveys to measure community wellbeing and satisfaction and compiled Our Story 2021 - a snapshot of Eurobodalla at this point in time.
Phase 2: Vision review and solution development
"Where do we want to be? How do we get there?" Phase two is about getting feedback and ideas from the community, using the Our Eurobodalla website to understand the community's hopes and priorities for the future, and strategies for achieving them.
Phase 3: Confirmation and completion
"Did we get it right?" Phase three presents a draft plan back to the community to confirm nothing was lost in translation. The new draft plan will be placed on public exhibition for community members to provide further feedback, then it will be considered by Council for adoption.
Phase 4: Working towards our shared vision, 2022 and beyond
"Where to now?" Once adopted, the new Community Strategic Plan will set out our shared vision and priorities for the future. Community members, organisations, Council, and other government agencies will work together to achieve our shared goals.